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Syrian refugees in Lebanon & Jordan

The civil war in Syria has spared no one. Killing and injuring hundreds of thousands, and displacing 12 million people, many of whom now exist as refugees in unstable conditions throughout the Middle East.

Since 2011, the majority of those forced to flee the fighting in Syria are those least able to deal with the impact of conflict – women, children and the elderly. Either trapped in overcrowded refugee camps, or leading lives below the poverty line in the cities of Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey.

We have been providing humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan since the earliest days of the conflict and continue to do so on a regular basis.

With your generous donations, we are able to provide refugees with the basic necessities to make everyday life in a precarious situation more bearable.

The need for assistance continues, something we can only achieve with you. A simple food pack, containing rice, lentils, flour, sugar, bulgar wheat, oil, chickpeas, beans, cheese, dates and pasta costs just £75 and will feed a family for a month. That may not seem a lot to us, but for the refugees, it means the world.

Our work in Lebanon

The Lebanese town of Arsal has become a temporary home for thousands displaced Syrians since the outbreak of the civil war in 2011. 

Many of the camps situated in the town face challenges, including overcrowding, inadequate access to basic necessities like clean water, healthcare, and education. In addition, refugees are also blighted by limited economic opportunities in terms of finding employment and a regular source of income to provide independence.

Conditions in these are difficult for many refugees. Without fixed sanitation and energy provision - the small things in life that we take for granted - every day becomes a struggle for survival and the hope of better future deteriorates further.

Through our efforts, and the efforts of other humanitarian aid organisations, life has become just a little more bearable thanks to our targeted aid programmes where we have been supplying food packs and hot meals for families, hygiene kits for female refugees, and heating and clothing for when the cold winter months arrive.

Ramadan delivery to Syrian refugees in Lebanon - April 2024

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