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Human Relief Foundation

HRF volunteers code of conduct

Volunteer code of conduct

This volunteer agreement is a description of the arrangement between us, Human Relief Foundation (hereafter ‘HRF’), and you, the volunteer in relation to your voluntary work. The intention of this agreement is to assure you that we appreciate you volunteering with us and to indicate our commitment to do the best we can to make your volunteer experience with us a positive and rewarding one.

Volunteer image

When volunteering for HRF, you are representing the charity to the public. Your actions reflect on us and inform the impression individuals will have of the charity. It is essential that we always present HRF in the best manner to instil confidence and charitable brand loyalty in our donors.

Volunteer behaviour

Since you will be HRF’s representatives to the general public, we expect a level of professionalism from our volunteers:

  • Be respectful and polite to all donors, the general public, fellow volunteers and HRF staff;
  • Follow the instructions and guidance given to you by your local HRF team;
  • Do not swear or use inappropriate language whilst volunteering;
  • Avoid physical contact with volunteers, staff and the general public to maintain boundaries and avoid the intrusion of others’ personal space;
  • Respect the right of your peers to work in a safe environment, free from bullying, harassment, disorderly and threatening behaviour;
  • Recognise the diversity of the HRF community and avoid discriminating against on the basis of others’ age, ethnic origin, race, nationality, religious faith or affiliation or lack thereof, political affiliation or opinions or lack thereof, sex, gender, sexuality and ability or disability;
  • Act within the law and not engage in behaviour likely to bring the charity into disrepute.


You must not abuse any resources you have access to, whether it’s a computer, stationery or HRF branded paraphernalia including t-shirts, badges, pens etc. You must also respect the environment in which you are working in, such as not littering, and avoid causing intentional damage to HRF property.

Dress Code

Whilst volunteering you must wear a supplied HRF t-shirt or hoody at all times, which one will be decided by your local HRF team based on the nature of the event/activity. T–shirts and hoodies must not be worn for fundraising activities not authorised by your volunteer supervisor.

Social media & taking videos/pictures

You must comply with HRF’s Social Media and Safeguarding policies, and ensure to follow these at all times. Your image on social media is reflective of HRF and the conduct with your fellow volunteers, HRF staff and donors on these platforms must maintain a certain level of integrity and respect:

  • Be respectful and polite to all those you interact with on social media platforms;
  • You must not advocate violence, terrorism or extremism, be it via post or sharing content via WhatsApp. Instant messaging is an effective and easy way to ensure you are kept up to date of all the work we at HRF are doing and to obtain information about how you can help. This resource, however, must not be abused and the welfare of fellow volunteers must be recognised;
  • There is only one official HRF Deployment WhatsApp group per deployment for volunteers managed by your local HRF Team, all other groups social groups must not be affiliated with HRF;
  • All messages on the official HRF WhatsApp group must be charity related. The group may exist after the deployment for purposes of keeping in touch with fellow volunteers and staff, while maintaining appropriate behaviour and respect for others;
  • You must maintain the privacy of fellow volunteers by not giving out personal information, including contact details of the volunteers within the group;
  • You must not unnecessarily message or call fellow volunteers on the WhatsApp group without gaining their permission first;
  • Any footage taken on deployment by volunteers remain the property of HRF and cannot be used for fundraising for other NGO’s and Charitable bodies/ventures;
  • Be mindful of taking pictures and videos of beneficiaries while in camps and other areas. We encourage you to take footage of distributions and the likes for purposes of keeping donors and supporters updates on social media, however AVOID taking any footage of beneficiaries without their direct permission, especially of children without their guardian’s/parent’s permission. We will have one or two staff members allocated for taking footage of you and other volunteers, so that we don’t have too many phone’s/camera’s out during distributions, keeping beneficiaries at ease and preserving their dignity. The dignity of beneficiaries is highest priority before any “picture worthy” moments.

Health & safety

You must comply with the Health & Safety Policy at all times and report all accidents and injuries whilst volunteering, no matter how minor, to your HRF Supervisor.


You must comply with our Safeguarding Policy at all times and report any allegations or concerns you may have to your supervisor at HRF so they can provide this information to the local safeguarding focal point to be investigated. You will be trained on safeguarding prior to your deployment. 

Equality, inclusion and diversity

We ensure that everyone has the same opportunity, to fulfil their potential free from discrimination. We also ensure everyone feels comfortable to be themselves at work and we also ensure that we celebrate individual differences amongst the workforce. Please ensure you make everyone feel welcome and included in the group while on your deployment.


If your voluntary duties are likely to bring you into contact with either children or adults at risk at some point in the future, we reserve the right to request you to undergo a record’s check via the Disclosure and Barring Service. You have the responsibility to carry out your own check and provide an up-to-date DBS certificate. We will be obtaining any relevant information from you in regards to the DBS certificate. 

Fundraising and dealing with money

You must comply with the fundraising agreement and make sure the donations collected are all provided to the relevant HRF employees. You must provide accurate information concerning the funds raised and report any money missing or misplaced. 

If you have collected cash from donors as a method of fundraising, it is an essential step to give the total amount to staff members or your fundraising officer before the events and deployments are taking place. No cash is authorised to be taken on deployments by volunteers. 

Confidentiality & data protection

Volunteers may come across or be given sensitive information and you must maintain this confidentiality and understand your responsibility not to misuse any information or pass it on unless sharing the information if it is required by law. If you need to discuss anything, please speak to your HRF supervisor or a HRF manager. Please comply with the data protection policy. This policy will be provided to you in your induction.

Duty of care policy statement

It is our moral and legal obligation to ensure everyone associated with HRF, whether being an employee or volunteer, is fully protected from any personal physical or emotional harm either being on the premises or when engaged in activities relating to HRF. It is our duty to protect the health and safety of others at the workplace. This duty is placed on:

- All employees/organisations

- Their employees/volunteers

In accordance with our duty of care to individuals volunteering for HRF, we aim to provide:

  • A safe volunteering environment
  • Information and instruction on workplace hazards and supervision of volunteers in safe work
  • The provision of health and safety advice
  • Safeguarding training and the policy to be provided 

We will ensure that:

  • For each volunteering activity the organisations ensure to carry out risk assessments 
  • All volunteers are made aware of the health & safety and safeguarding policy and a copy will be provided to them. 
  • All employees and volunteers are covered under the organisation’s insurance 


  • I will help HRF fulfil its vision & mission and raise funds to help those in need.
  • I will perform my volunteering role to the best of my abilities.
  • I will meet the time commitments and standards undertaken, other than in exceptional circumstances, and provide reasonable notice so that alternative arrangement can be made.
  • I will declare any medical condition I may have, in respects of any activities or event I will be volunteering for, I will provide a note from my GP to state if I am able to participate or not. 
  • If necessary, allow and permit HRF explicitly to perform an Acuity/PEP database search in my name and agree to a police/CRB/DBS check being carried out.
  • Volunteers must ensure to follow HRF instructions whilst travelling abroad with the HRF team at all times. 
  • Volunteers are responsible in understanding FCO advice and the lack of consular support and accept the measures Human Relief Foundation are taking in regards to safety.
  • All volunteers will be covered with our insurance group.
  • All volunteers will be staying at a suitable accommodation.
  • Whilst travelling, volunteers will be in vehicles that have been hired by reputable agencies.
  • The vehicles they will be travelling to and from have been equipped with appropriate means in case of any emergencies.
  • Employees travelling with volunteers have been trained as first aiders. 
  • Volunteers are responsible for their own belongings whilst travelling with the HRF team and through their time on their deployment.
  • Volunteers will be provided with a list of emergency contact details. 
  • Volunteers have been provided with a sufficient induction and training.
  • Volunteers must understand that they are voluntarily taking part on this trip and they may be travelling and working within areas of unrest which may affect their mental well-being.
  • Volunteers must adhere to staff guidance and instructions at all times.

Volunteer code of conduct sign up

I have received, read, understood and agree to follow all rules in the Volunteer agreement. I understand that all the relevant policies and documents will be provided to me to read in my own time.

This agreement is binding in honour only, is not intended to be legally binding contract between us and may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of either party, failure to adhere to the volunteer agreement this may result in the termination of your volunteering roleNeither of us intends any employment relationship to be created either now or at any time in the future.

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