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Human Relief Foundation


Walk 4 Hope | meet the team

A dynamic team of hikers are once again ready to take on a monumental challenge following on from 2023's Walk 4 Hope - a 50 mile walk from London to Cambridge (find out more).

This year's Walk 4 Hope trek (28 - 31 October 2024), is following a more adventurous route - 100km across the world's longest natural beach, situated on the Bangladesh coast along the Cox's Bazar coastline. The choice of route is no coincidence - Cox's Bazar being home to close to one million Rohingya refugees, who have fled brutal persecution in neighbouring Myanmar.

The team, who you'll be meeting below are raising money for Human Relief Foundation's Rohingya Refugees Appeal and Palestine Emergency Appeal.

Walking with purpose

The team are aiming to raise over £25,000 to provide essential support for Rohingya refugee children situated in refugee camps at Cox's Bazaar, and Palestinian children whose lives have been obliterated by the continuing struggle in Gaza.

The essential support includes food, medical assistance and education - all building blocks to provide brighter and more sustainable futures.

Watch below to hear from our intrepid team about why they are undertaking this epic trek.

Meet the team

Foisol Uddin

Since its inception, Hamlets Hike & Trek Club (HHTC) has been on a remarkable journey, traversing the picturesque landscapes of the UK while making a profound impact on communities in need. As one of the founders, I've witnessed the transformative power of hiking and trekking first-hand.

Our most memorable expedition was the “WALK 4 HOPE”, In the aftermath of the Turkey and Syria earthquakes, we undertook the challenge to walk from East London Mosque to Cambridge Central Mosque in a remarkable 24 hours, raising £33,000 to support the affected regions.

For me, hiking and trekking became more than just a pastime; it became a passion that transcended age barriers. Unable to engage in traditional sports due to my age and health condition, I found solace and fulfilment in the great outdoors, surrounded by like-minded individuals who shared my love for adventure.

As we lace up our boots and prepare for the challenges ahead, we invite others to join us on this journey of compassion and exploration. Together, we can continue to make a difference, one step at a time.

Anam Hoque

I love the outdoors and have been a youth worker for 35 years working with young people.

Hamlets Hike and Trek Club (HHTC) came at a time when lockdown meant the outdoor space and environment was our only source to get out, relax and connect with mother nature which helped with our mental health and wellbeing.

With HHTC we have done some amazing hikes and treks in the UK. We were the first group to do the 24-hour East London Mosque to Cambridge Central Mosque Walk4Hope walking over 50 miles raising funds for the Turkey and Lebanon earthquake victims raising over £33,000.

Now the amazing Walk4Hope challenge of walking over 100km over 3 days is the longest natural unbroken sand beach in the world ‘Cox Bazar’ raising funds for the children of Gaza and Rohingya with the Human Relief Foundation.

I ask all my supporters, friends and family to get behind us all and help us support the children of Gaza & Rohingya.

Thank you to everyone, without your support, nothing would be possible. Stay tuned for our future walks, training, fundraising and opportunities you can get involved in making a difference.

Together we all can take small steps to make a positive difference for the well-being of others here in the UK and across the Globe

Hussain Ahmed

During COVID whilst on furlough in 2020, I started walking in my local parks and along main roads. This was a regular feature which in a short space of time turned into a "hobby" to keep fit.

I first heard about Hamlets Hiking and Trek Club in early 2023 through social media when they were doing the "Hajj Walk" by guiding prospective Hajj attendees to take long walks to best prepare for the Pilgrimage. I asked if I could join their walks for health benefits.

It was during these initial walks I learnt about the group's 24-hour challenge of walking from London's "East London Mosque to Cambridge Central Mosque".  This was an inspiration for me as I'd never met anyone who walked such long distances.

I feel humbled to join the same team to take part in the forthcoming Walk4Hope challenge.

Insha'Allah with everyone's support, I know our HRF campaign to help the children of Gaza & Rohingya will be a success.

Abdal Ahmed

I have always enjoyed the great outdoors and loved being around nature, for me that was the passion and motivation to create Hamlets Hike & Trek Club (HHTC).  This was even more profound after COVID and we wanted to support people with their mental and physical health and being.

I work in the education and sports sector, and have volunteered for as long as I can remember; locally, nationally and now internationally, I would highly recommend everyone tries some volunteering.

HHTC in a short space of time has achieved some amazing milestones, most notably the 24-hour challenge to walk from London to Cambridge and our family day trips to Pains Hill and Richmond Park.

To say I’m excited for the Cox’s Bazar walk would be an understatement! Bangladesh is our motherland and to have the opportunity to do such a walk is a blessing, I hope me and the team can fulfil the trust people have shown in us Insha’Allah.

Finally, this is for the children of Gaza & Rohingya to bring hope of a brighter future and put a smile on their faces.

Bring on the walk.... let’s make history together! 

Khoyrul Shaheed

Since I was 15, I have wanted to participate in the community through volunteering or humanitarian work. This passion led me to HRF, where my commitment to helping others grew stronger. I've tackled challenges like hiking the Great Wall of China, reaching the highest peak in North Africa, and guiding groups to Snowdon. I've also completed five half marathons.

During the Covid pandemic, I took on projects such as delivering food to the vulnerable, which led me to discover the Hamlets Hike & Track Club. Weekly walks saw growing participation, and after the earthquake in Turkey, our group walked from East London to Cambridge, raising £33,000 for the victims.

Inspired by this achievement, we are ready to undertake this 110-mile trek. in Bangladesh's Cox Bazar to support Rohingya children and Palestinian refugee children. Our goal is to serve refugees through sports. I encourage everyone to join any hiking projects to allow themselves to understand the importance of helping others.

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