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My Ten Nights: finding the Night Of Power

"We have indeed revealed this in the 'Night of Power'. And what will explain to you what the night of power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. Therein come down The Angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand. "Peace!...This until the rise of dawn!" 

Surah Al-Qadr 


We’ve partnered again this year with My Ten Nights to give you the opportunity to schedule giving your Zakat or Sadaqah over the last ten nights of Ramadan so you never miss Laylatul Qadr again. By scheduling your donation on these blessed nights, your focus can continue on worship and prayers, while gaining the maximum rewards.

You can also schedule your donations on the last odd nights of Ramadan to increase the rewards of Laylatul Qadr.

Scheduling your donations with My Ten Nights is simple. Click on the “schedule your donations” button below to visit our My Ten Nights page, then:

  1. Choose from our list of causes to support
  2. Schedule your donations. These can be split evenly or you can opt to give more on certain nights
  3. Complete your transaction

Once complete, your donations are spread over the last ten nights of Ramadan so you’ll never miss giving on the Night of Power.

Our causes

Baby milk formula for refugee children

The need for baby milk formula is most prescient in Gaza as blockades have led to shortages, resulting in widespread malnutrition amongst newly born children and infants. In many cases, these shortages have led to parents resorting to desperate measures to adequately feed their children, resorting to the use of alternatives, including diluted herbs or crushed biscuits, posing significant health risks. 

Iftar for All

For refugees and displaced communities that have been forced to flee their homes, the tradition of breaking the fast can be almost impossible with limited or no access to food or cooking supplies.

Our Iftar for All programme aims to provide these communities with the meals and raw ingredients communities need to celebrate Iftar and Eid with all of us.

New lives, new futures for the Rohingya of Cox's Bazaar

Our job training schemes are vitally important in helping Rohingya refugees situated in Cox's Bazaar, with practical skills for entrepreneurial business start-ups. This access to specialised training helps individuals and their communities to become self-sufficient by providing a steady income, directly lifts them and their families out of poverty. 

Water security - building healthier lives across the world

Clean water is essential for communities to flourish. Sadly, there are still parts of the world without this basic necessity.

Our pumps and wells initiatives deliver vital sources of clean water to rural and under privileged communities.

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