“The alms are meant only for the poor and the needy and those who are in charge thereof, those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free those in bondage, and to help those burdened with debt, and for expenditure in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer. This is an obligation from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.”
(Qur’an 9:60)
Those with little to no means of sustaining themselves fall under this category. HRF helps thousands of poor families annually through food packs, housing support, and basic healthcare.
These are individuals who have insufficient income to meet their needs. HRF works tirelessly to support orphans, and refugees who face daily struggles to survive.
Zakat is used to cover administrative costs for distributing funds effectively. HRF ensures your donation reaches the right people, with transparency and minimal operational costs.
This category supports new Muslims who need financial assistance to strengthen their faith and community bonds.
In modern contexts, this extends to efforts to free individuals from modern slavery and debt.
People overwhelmed by debts that compromise their basic needs are eligible for Zakat.
This includes initiatives that promote the welfare of society, such as building schools, mosques, and water wells. HRF has implemented hundreds of such projects in over 40 countries.
Travelers who lack resources to return home are entitled to Zakat. HRF supports displaced individuals and refugees in crisis zones, providing shelter and essentials.
Our Zakat Policy is always 100% according to Islamic principles. This means that 100% of your Zakat will go towards those eligible to receive Zakat.
For over 30 years, your Zakat has allowed us to tackle poverty throughout the world – from Iraq to Palestine, Yemen, to Bangladesh, and many other areas. Your generosity has helped fund crucial projects, and directly touched the lives, and relieved the suffering, of many millions of ordinary people caught in humanitarian crises.
Enter all assets that have been in your possession over a lunar year in the boxes below.
Please select the nisab value as gold or silver, or use your own value
Gold nisab
Silver nisab